Race, Racism, and Racialization in History

Race, Racism, and Racialization in History: An Ethnic Studies Perspective

Event Info

June 10th, 2020

3:00 - 7:00 PM

Opening Commentator

Troy Duster, Chancellor's Professor, Founding Director, The Institute for the Study of Social Change, and Former Director, The AC Center

Event Speakers

Juana María Rodríguez, Chair and Faculty, Department of Ethnic Studies

Lok Siu, Faculty, Asian American and Asian Diaspora Studies

Ramón Grosfoguel, Faculty, Chicano/Latino Studies

Elsadig Elsheikh, Director of the Global Justice Program, Othering & Belonging Institute

Keiko Yamanaka, Faculty, Asian American and Asian Diaspora Studies

Trina Thompson, Faculty, Department of Ethnic Studies

Harvey C Dong, Faculty, Asian American and Asian Diaspora Studies

Hatem Bazian, Faculty, Asian American and Asian Diaspora Studies

Rasheed El Shabazz, Masters of City Planning Candidate, College of Environmental Design

Babalwa Kwanele, The African American Holistic Resource Center

Perfecta Oxholm, Ph.D. Candidate, Gold­man School of Pub­lic Pol­icy

Race, Racism, and Racialization in History: An Ethnic Studies Perspective

This event is co-sponsored by Arts and Ideas Live Online (site inactive), The Department of Ethnic Studies, Asian American and Asian Diaspora Studies, and Islamophobia Research and Documentation Project.