Teaching in Summer Workshop Series

Teaching in Summer

Background image: Panoramic view of campanile tower in background framed by trees on a sunny day

Teaching in Summer

Every year, the American Cultures Center partners with Summer Sessions and key campus partners to facilitate a workshop for all summer sessions instructors on best practices for teaching in the summer. Previous sessions have focused on effective summer course planning strategies, understanding unique summer session challenges and opportunities, policy updates, and insights on teaching racial and economic justice in diverse classrooms. Please check back soon for details about the 2024 Teaching in Summer workshop.

Previous Workshops Resources

Every year, The American Cultures Center partners with The Center for Teaching & Learning and Summer Sessions to host a teaching in summer workshop for all summer instructors that focus on some of the best approaches to teaching in the intensive six-, eight- or ten-week summer courses at UC Berkeley. Among the topics discussed include strategies for managing extended summer class time, what to expect from summer student enrollment, the specifics of the American Cultures curriculum requirement, and teaching to issues of racial and economic justice in diverse classrooms. Recordings and resources from previous workshops can be explored by using the links below.

2018 Teaching in Summer  Workshop

Note: the resources and recording for this workshop are not available.