2020 Teaching in Summer Workshop


Teaching in the summer semester is always a unique experience, and in our current extra-unique circumstances, a collaboration of academic partners and instructors from across the campus, came together in early May to support faculty in preparing to support student learning experiences during the summer semester. All workshop segments were recorded and transcribed with closed captions. To review these recordings, please select one of the segments below.


Each segment is hyperlinked to a Google folder with a video recording, transcription, and presenters' presentation slides.  

  • Accessibility and AllyJoe Feria Galicia, DL(Slides not available)

Offered by The Center for Teaching and Learning, Digital Learning Services, The American Cultures Center, and UC Berkeley Summer Sessions.


9:00-9:10 UC Berkeley Open Time 
9:10-9:15 Welcome, Overview, and Introductions
Suzanne Harrison, Digital Learning Services (DLS)
Terry Johnson, Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL)
Victoria Robinson, The American Cultures Center (AC) 
9:15-9:20 Taking Advantage of CTL and DLS May Workshops and Consults to Prepare for Summer Remote Instruction
Terry (CTL) and Suzanne (DLS)
9:20-9:50 Advice and Reflections from Teaching in Summer
Professor Glynda Hull, School of Education (moderated by Sarah Pickett, CTL) 
9:50-10:10 Who are our students in the summer?
Laura Adams, Summer Sessions
10:10-11:10 Developing a Course Plan and Considerations of How We Learn
Sarah Pickett, CTL
11:10-11:20 Reflections and Break
11:20-12:00 Overview of Digital Learning Tools and Getting Started with bCourses
Seyon Wind, DLS
12:00-1:00 Reflections and Lunch Break
1:00-1:50 Accessibility and Ally
Joe Feria Galicia, DLS
1:50-2:00 Reflections and Break
2:00-2:30 Using Media for Instruction Gisele Tanasse, Media Resource Center
Research with Library ResourcesCorliss Lee, University Library
2:30-3:30 Advice from Seasoned Remote Teaching & Learning Instructors
Michelle Douskey, Department of Chemistry
Kristen Rasmussen, Department of Nutritional Science and Toxicology
3:30-3:40 Reflections and Break
3:40-4:20 Advice for Teaching Summer AC courses
John Dougherty, Department of Ethnic Studies
Victoria Robinson, AC and Department of Ethnic Studies
4:20-4:30 AC Resources
4:30-4:40 Reflections and General Questions