Staff as Students of Social Justice

Staff as Students of Social Justice

Program for Campus Staff to Engage in Anti-Racist Pedagogies

Background image: Collage of communities of color organizing for housing for all; mutual aid; people's free food program and land repatriation

About the Program

The 'Staff as Students of Social Justice' (SSSJ) Program(link is external)(link is external)  is an important expression of the campus’s commitment to staff’s intellectual and professional development, especially around issues of diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, and justice. This program is a keystone effort of the university’s work towards Becoming an Anti-Racist Campus(link is external)(link is external). Piloted in Fall 2020, the SSSJ Program is a unique opportunity to learn first-hand from leading scholars and American Cultures instructors about the intersections of race, ethnicity, and gender; dig into subjects of personal interests; and build connections with faculty, students, and campus colleagues. Previously, SSSJ allowed an opportunity for cohorts of up to 25 campus staff per semester (from the Division of Undergraduate Education and beyond) to audit an American Cultures course and participate in discussions about timely and important topics. Now continuing its fifth year, this program offers a weekly seminar over Zoom, titled “Material Anti-Racisms,” led by the SSSJ Program Director of Pedagogy, David Maldonado. This seminar provides a deep study of abolitionism and higher education, incorporating content from the previous SSSJ lecture series “Aspirations of Material Anti-Racism: What’s Next.” 

The best thing about the program was that I was able to gain a more firm and nuanced understanding of the harms and inequities of the tech industry while having really thoughtful conversations with our professors, my classmates, and folks from the VCUE Division around existing and imagined interventions into so many different facets of tech in a lot of other spaces from art to journalism to activism.
Sara Assadi-Nik, Program Coordinator, Division of Summer Sessions, Study Abroad & Lifelong Learning

Program Overview

  • Participate in a weekly discussion section with seminar course instructor SSSJ Director of Pedagogy, David Maldonado, Ph.D., facilitated over Zoom

  • Anticipate 3-4 hours of class/discussion/lecture viewing per week, plus additional time to complete readings

  • No exams, grades, or academic credit

  • Must attend at least 80% of meetings, partipate fully, and complete a final reflection to complete the course

  • Upon completion, you will receive a certificate signed by Acting Vice Chancellor for Equity and Inclusion Fabrizio Mejia, Vice Provost Oliver O’Reilly, and Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources and Chief People & Culture Officer Eugene Whitlock, and your achievement will be added to your HR personnel file

Application Process

The application period for the Spring 2025 cycle are now open until Friday, January 31st. 

e will continue offering the seminar for staff led by Director of Pedagogy David Maldonado: “Material Anti-Racisms”, a deep exploration of abolitionism and higher education paired with content from our previous lecture series “Aspirations of Material Anti-Racism: What’s Next.” Please contact us at if you have any questions.

Through this course, we learned how the devastating fires we experience in California today are a product of climate change and pervasive policies of suppression deeply connected to settler colonialism, white supremacy, and dispossession of Native peoples from their ancestral lands. We also learned from guest speakers about several tribal groups' ongoing efforts to preserve, sustain, revitalize, and share their cultural practices and scientific knowledge.
Jean Cheng, Sarah Pickett, and Alex Tan