Teaching Resources

Resources to help faculty, particularly within the American Cultures curriculum, develop course assignments, lesson plans, and syllabi, among other things.

Oral Histories

Oral history is a field of study and a method of gathering, preserving, and interpreting the voices and memories of people, communities, and participants in past events. As a method, it involves an interview that is recorded and made available to the public. Oral histories become primary sources that supplement and enrich our collective understanding of places, communities, and events in the past.

Teaching Tools


Explore our curated resources to support your Ethnic Studies teaching! Discover media clips libraries, oral histories, and our HSESI Teaching Resource Hub. Please note that our resource hub is currently in development, but is available for early preview, especially for feedback and suggestions on how to best develop it. For any questions, please email hsesi@berkeley.edu.

Language Guide for Communicating About Those Involved In The Carceral System


Language is not merely descriptive, it is creative. For too long we have borne the burden of having to recreate our humanity in the eyes of those who would have us permanently defined by a system that grew directly out of the institution of American slavery, an institution that depended on the dehumanization of the people it enslaved. It is in this spirit that we, the formerly incarcerated and system-impacted academics who identify as the Berkeley Underground Scholars at the University of California, Berkeley, call on the media, students, and public to utilize the...

Ethnic Studies Educator Resource Hub


Welcome to the UC Berkeley HSESI Resource Hub, a curated collection of materials designed to support students and instructors in preparation for the rollout of California’s high school Ethnic Studies graduation requirement. Our hub aims to foster a deep understanding of oppression, liberation, and the intricate tapestry of social movements that shape society. Whether you’re seeking to enrich your teaching practices, expand your...

Teaching in Summer Workshop Series

Every year we host workshops that focus on some of the best approaches to teaching an intensive six- or ten-week summer course at UC Berkeley. Among the topics discussed include strategies for managing extended summer class time, what to expect from summer student enrollment, the specifics of the American Cultures curriculum requirement, and teaching to issues of racial and economic justice in diverse classrooms.

Aspirations of Antiracist Pedagogy: Community-Based Learning

Resource Page Summary

On April 10, 2024, the American Cultures Engaged Scholarship (ACES) Program held a Spring institute, titled “Aspirations of Antiracist Pedagogy: Community-Based Learning.” This page specifically discusses the lunch portion of the event where guest speaker Dr. Brandi Thompson Summers, from the Department of Geography at UC Berkeley, shared her expertise on community-based learning. Dr. Summers shared valuable insights on the opportunities this style of learning presents and the challenges it poses. She also discussed how to implement antiracist pedagogy...

Crowd-sourcing from the AC Community

Ideas and Resources to Support Each Other and Give Our Students the Best Possible Learning Experience

As a faculty body, you are in a unique position - teaching students from across campus disciplines, often freshmen-seniors in one class focused within a social justice curriculum in the time of a pandemic, lockdown, and international re-engagement with systemic racism. Your advice on how to engage students, especially at this time, is invaluable. Below, we have compiled advice from all instructors to help you best meet your learning objectives. If you would like to contribute...

ACES Publications


The following articles have been published on the American Cultures Engaged Scholarship Program, including links where you can read them. For any questions, please email americancultures@berkeley.edu.

2020 Teaching in Summer Workshop


Teaching in the summer semester is always a unique experience, and in our current extra-unique circumstances, a collaboration of academic partners and instructors from across the campus, came together in early May to support faculty in preparing to support student learning experiences during the summer semester. All workshop segments were recorded and transcribed with closed captions. To review these recordings, please select one of the segments below.


Each segment is hyperlinked to a Google folder with a video recording, transcription, and presenters' presentation...