Videos - Recorded Events

A collection of events recorded by the American Cultures Center is available for your streaming convenience.

Bringing Critical Filipinx Studies into the High School Ethnic Studies Classroom


On October 3, 2024, the High School Ethnic Studies Initiative hosted the event “Bringing Critical Filipinx* Studies into the High School Ethnic Studies Classroom.” In this discussion, Filipinx scholars discussed how educators can incorporate Filipinx and Filipinx-American studies into the Ethnic Studies classroom. They offered reflections on the Filipinx-American diaspora’s history of forced migration, organizing against labor exploitation, and resisting co-optation. The event...

Events & Resource Pages


The High School Ethnic Studies Initiative hosts various events for students and instructors that focus on approaches to teaching Ethnic Studies high school courses.

HSESI Scholar Series: How Do We teach Pacific Island Matters in High School Ethnic Studies Curricula?

Event Description

On March 18th, the UC Berkeley High School Ethnic Studies Initiative held the scholar series panel discussion, “How do we teach Pacific Island matters in High School Ethnic Studies Curricula?” Moderated by undergraduate students Fine Ashley Tuitupou & Kahel Joem Zedekiah and featuring guest speakers Estella Owoimaha-Church, ...

Difficult Knowledge, Trauma Informed Pedagogy and Safe-ish Spaces

Event Description

Violence and trauma are all around us—fatal shootings by police, sexual violence, family separations, addiction, abuse, displacement of refugees. Often, these situations give rise to individual healing journeys and collective efforts to create change. But the pain and loss embedded in them also have a damaging effect long after the events have passed.

We invite many difficult experiences into our classrooms, historically intimate and distant, often through written and visual text depicting traumatic events and experiences. At the same time, we have many students...

2024 Teaching in Summer Workshop


Every year, the American Cultures coordinates a 'Teaching in Summer' workshop for all Summer Sessions instructors. Our Center partners with key campus partners to equip instructors with knowledge of the unique challenges and opportunities of summer teaching, important policy updates, and effective summer course planning strategies. This year, in collaboration with Berkeley Summer Sessions, and the Center for Teaching and Learning, the workshop also offered...

2019 Teaching in the Summer Workshop

Every year we host workshops that focus on some of the best approaches to teaching an intensive six- or ten-week summer course at UC Berkeley.

In 2019, the American Cultures Center partnered with Summer Sessions, the Center for Teaching and Learning, Among the topics discussed included strategies for managing extended summer class time, what to expect from summer student enrollment, the specifics of the American Cultures curriculum requirement, and teaching to issues of racial and economic justice in diverse classrooms

Event Video Index

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AC 25th Anniversary


In Spring 2014, the American Cultures Center hosted a series of week long events in recognition of the American Cultures 25th Anniversary. Please visit the links below to find out more information on the events.

Aspirations of Material Anti-Racism: What’s Next?


In Spring 2023, the American Cultures Center and the Multicultural Community Center presented the Staff as Students of Social Justice (SSSJ) public discussion series, ‘Aspirations of Material Anti-Racism: What’s Next?’ The series brought together university faculty with contemporary experts from academia and beyond, focusing on Black freedom movements, decolonial theory and practice, mutual aid, and housing rights, among other topics. On this page, you can find recordings of the discussions along with valuable...