Videos - Recorded Events

A collection of events recorded by the American Cultures Center is available for your streaming convenience.

Teaching in Summer Workshop Series

Every year we host workshops that focus on some of the best approaches to teaching an intensive six- or ten-week summer course at UC Berkeley. Among the topics discussed include strategies for managing extended summer class time, what to expect from summer student enrollment, the specifics of the American Cultures curriculum requirement, and teaching to issues of racial and economic justice in diverse classrooms.

Housing Rights, Spatial Justice Making

Event Description

On April 12th, 2023 the American Cultures Center and the Multicultural Community Center at UC Berkeley hosted, "Housing Rights, Spatial Justice Making", an event in the Staff as Students of Social Justice (SSSJ) public discussion series, "Aspirations of Material Anti-Racism: What's Next?"

The ongoing and seemingly unending shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic has both exposed and deepened the inequalities of...

Events & Resource Pages


The High School Ethnic Studies Initiative hosts various events for students and instructors that focus on approaches to teaching Ethnic Studies high school courses.

Bringing Critical Filipinx Studies into the High School Ethnic Studies Classroom


On October 3, 2024, the High School Ethnic Studies Initiative hosted the event “Bringing Critical Filipinx* Studies into the High School Ethnic Studies Classroom.” In this discussion, Filipinx scholars discussed how educators can incorporate Filipinx and Filipinx-American studies into the Ethnic Studies classroom. They offered reflections on the Filipinx-American diaspora’s history of forced migration, organizing against labor exploitation, and resisting co-optation. The event...

Difficult Knowledge, Trauma Informed Pedagogy and Safe-ish Spaces

Event Description

Violence and trauma are all around us—fatal shootings by police, sexual violence, family separations, addiction, abuse, displacement of refugees. Often, these situations give rise to individual healing journeys and collective efforts to create change. But the pain and loss embedded in them also have a damaging effect long after the events have passed.

We invite many difficult experiences into our classrooms, historically intimate and distant, often through written and visual text depicting traumatic events and experiences. At the same time, we have many students...

Antiracism Pedagogy & Equity-Based Learning Winter Institute

Event Description

Since 2018, the CDF program has supported instructors in developing creative design assignments, assignments that are intentionally built to support faculty and students in ways that are adaptive, equity-oriented, and foster antiracism. In the CDF Winter Institute participants developed actionable strategies that build antiracist and equity-based education.

In conversation with CDF faculty, staff, and students, the Winter Institute discussed how within the current condition of remote instruction and the devastating effects of the...

The Problem(s) with Grading: Making a Case for Contract Grading

Event Description

Building on the groundwork of the Antiracism Winter Institute, the CDF Program co-sponsored and co-facilitated a follow-up seminar in late April centered on contract grading. The two-day workshop, The Problem(s) with Grading: Making a Case for Contract Grading, invited participants to explore two models of contract grading, Specifications Grading and Labor-based Contract Grading. On the first day, participants engaged in current research that explores how traditional grading methods structure...

Teaching Tools


Explore our curated resources to support your Ethnic Studies teaching! Discover media clips libraries, oral histories, and our HSESI Teaching Resource Hub. Please note that our resource hub is currently in development, but is available for early preview, especially for feedback and suggestions on how to best develop it. For any questions, please email

Spring 2023 Cohort


The 'Staff as Students of Social Justice' (SSSJ) Program(link is external)(link is external) is an important expression of the campus’s commitment to staff’s intellectual and professional development, especially around issues of diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, and justice. This program is a keystone effort of the university’s work towards...