
Staff as Students of Social Justice

The Staff as Social Justice Leaders program is an opportunity for staff to participate in discussions about timely and important topics, led by American Cultures faculty. Piloted in Fall 2020, the SSSJ/SSSJL program is a unique and amazing opportunity to learn first hand from leading scholars of race, ethnicity, and gender; dig into subject of personal interests; and build connections with faculty, students and fellow VCUE colleagues. Program Overview Attend lectures/meetings for your chosen class Participate in a weekly discussion section with a GSI just for VCUE staff Expect 3-4 hours of...

Creative Discovery Fellows (CDF) Support


To help support creative/digital projects in your courses, the following set of resources are available for immediate implementation.



In 2021, several academic partners at UC Berkeley recognized the need to support California high schools. They developed the High School Ethnic Initiative, also known as HSESI. HSESI is a collaborative effort among the American Cultures Center, the Department of Ethnic Studies, and the History Social Sciences Project to leverage UC Berkeley's extensive academic resources and pedagogical expertise. The initiative focuses on building a curriculum infrastructure for California educators, addressing immediate and long-term needs.

Key resources for UC Berkeley's partnership with...

Public Policy 160AC: Work, Justice and the Labor Movement

This course provides a broad, interdisciplinary overview of the U.S. labor movement in the fight for social and economic justice. It will introduce students to critiques of racial capitalism and the power dynamics inherent in paid work while considering why and how workers form unions in response. One of the primary objectives of this course is to develop a theoretical and analytical understanding of contemporary workers’ experiences of work in the U.S. shaped by race, class, gender, sexuality, immigration status, language, religion, and other social constructs. There will be a special...

Creative Project Support

The Creative Discovery Design Team is excited to start consultations again this semester! Sign up to meet with one of our peer consultants who can help you with your creative projects. You do not have to be in one of the supporting classes to sign up – we are open to all students.

Our consultants can help with design principles, Adobe application questions, thinking through your projects with a social justice-centered lens, and more!

One-on-one appointments

If you need...

SUMMER Asian American & Asian Diaspora Studies W20AC - "Asian American Communities and Race Relations"

This course surveys contemporary issues affecting the Asian American community. Students of the course looked at the different theories that explain the current status of Asian Americans and the interrelationship between the Asian American community, nation, and world. The course focuses on the issue of race relations, and the commonalities and differences between Asian Americans and other race and ethnic groups.

Instructional Materials...

Creative Web-based Applications


Are you interested in software that can supplement or substitute those found in the Adobe Creative Cloud suite? If so, please review our curated list of creative web-based tools that will allow you and your students to develop audio, graphic, photo, and film projects.

Asian American & Asian Diaspora Studies 121: History of the Chinese in the U.S.

This course covers the entire history of the Chinese in the U.S., from the Gold Rush period in the mid-l9th century to the present. Since Chinese immigration and exclusion are two continuous processes throughout this history, both will be the focus of the course. The two processes and their interaction with each other also generated considerable political, economic, and cultural dynamism in the settlement and development of the Chinese American community throughout the U.S. Adding to the complexity of the two processes and the community dynamics has been the continuous impact of the...

Chicano Studies 159AC: “Mexican and Central American Migration”

About the Course Assignment

Chicano Studies 159AC: “Mexican and Central American Migration” attempts to answer the following questions: why does Mexican and Central American immigration continue to be the target of anti-immigrant hysteria and unjust immigration policy? And how do Mexican and Central American immigrant communities navigate, contest, and challenge these policies in their everyday lives? In empowering students to seek answers to these questions, the projects for this class included a group project where students could create...

Sociology 130AC: "Social Inequalities: American Cultures"

About the Course Assignment

Sociology 130AC: “Social Inequalities – American Cultures”, is a course that explores the causes and consequences of social inequalities in the United States. This is a large lecture course of nearly 200 students. For the creative discovery assignment, Reed recruited a small group of students from the class to join the "Soc. 130 Creative Team". This group of seven students were then tasked with developing a creative project that would connect to an assignment undertaken by all students in the class--the...