Course Development

Wikipedia Workshops


The rapid expansion of fake news sites made real news headlines last year, and the public is more aware than ever that they're exposed to propaganda and misinformation. Even college students are at risk of believing false information intended to sway elections or generate ad revenue. That’s why the work Wiki Education does to help students develop media literacy skills is more important than ever.

The Wiki Education Foundation, the AC Center, and the University Library periodically host workshops to discuss the potential impacts of building Wikipedia assignments into course...

Library Support

Wikipedia Learning & Research Skills

The heart of the Wikipedia assignment is research. Good sourcing is critical to Wikipedia editing, and articles based on high quality scholarly sources are the most likely to stay published and to be frequently read and cited. One of the most important benefits of a Wikipedia-based assignment is that students improve not only their understanding of Wikipedia but also their research skills.

Campus librarians can partner with you in teaching students how to find and evaluate high quality

Wikipedia Student Guide

Getting Started & Common Difficulties

It can be scary to think about making something you created public by posting it to Wikipedia, but be confident! You have some of the best resources and knowledge at your disposal as a student. It is important to recognize the value of not simply digesting academic material but infusing your knowledge into the public sphere. Set your expectations low at first, start with small edits on a topic you’ve already researched and keep your WikiEd curated resources handy. Edits can be anything...

Faculty Spotlights

Each year, approximately 10 faculty from a wide variety of disciplines are selected to participate in the Creative Discovery Fellows program. Faculty participate in a year-long developmental program that includes a 3-day Institute, monthly cohort meetings, and various workshops, as well as individual consultations with media and pedagogy experts. During implementation, their students also receive support in the form of workshops, in-class demonstrations, individual consultations, group feedback, online resources, and tutorials.

AC Course Spotlight Videos

The American Cultures Center is proud to offer wonderful opportunities such as Course Development Grants, and Teaching Awards that aim to celebrate your involvement within our courses. Below are spotlights of our faculty who teach various AC courses.