Videos - Clips and Films

About Videos

A collection of video clips, and films produced by the American Cultures Center staff, students, faculty, and key partners is available for your streaming convenience!

Aspirations of Material Anti-Racism: What’s Next?


In Spring 2023, the American Cultures Center and the Multicultural Community Center presented the Staff as Students of Social Justice (SSSJ) public discussion series, ‘Aspirations of Material Anti-Racism: What’s Next?’ The series brought together university faculty with contemporary experts from academia and beyond, focusing on Black freedom movements, decolonial theory and practice, mutual aid, and housing rights, among other topics. On this page, you can find recordings of the discussions along with valuable...

Third World Liberation Front 50th Anniversary Oral History Project


During the 50th Anniversary of the 1969 Third World Liberation Front (TWLF) student strike at UC Berkeley, a campus collective was formed named the TWLF Research Initiative. Among other things, this initiative recorded oral histories of student strikers from the 1969 and 1999 TWLF student strikes at UC Berkeley. This page features selected previews of those interviews with student strikers. Full interviews will be posted on Calisphere (links forthcoming).

Human Biological Variation, Integrative Biology 35AC

About Integrative Biology (IB) 35AC, 'Human Biological Variation,' explores human migrations and origins covering different regions worldwide, ending in the meeting of cultures in the Americas. The course addresses several powerful questions within evolutionary biology and human genetics: What role does biology play in identity formation and racial formation; What role does human biology have in public discourse on race; How does biology affect human interactions and social structures in America; How are genomic sequencing and consumer genetics changing the discourse on...

Bob Wing, 1969 TWLF Student Striker


Bob Wing has written about and engaged in social justice organizing and activism since 1968. His first organizing experience was in the 1969 UC Berkeley Third World Liberation Front (TWLF) strike, an experience that instilled a deep sense of purpose and commitment in Wing’s lifework. TWLF was a campuswide coalition of students of color that demanded an autonomous Third World College and a relevant curriculum for communities of color, led by students and community. The Civil Rights, Black Power, and anti-Vietnam War movements inspired Wing, as...

ACES Program Grants

About the ACES Program

Launched in January 2010 as a partnership between the American Cultures Center and the Public Service Center, the American Cultures Engaged Scholarship (ACES) Program aims to transform how faculty’s community-engaged scholarship is valued, to enhance learning for students through a combination of teaching and practice, and to create new knowledge that has an impact both in the community and the academy.

ACES Course Grants are...

Video Library

The American Cultures Center aims to strengthen the development of the curriculum through its support of course development workshops, community dialogue events and engagement with the rich diversity of students embarking on projects of social justice.

This video library aims to provide broad access to this work and foster our community of social justice practice at UC Berkeley and nationally.

College Writing

'Researching Water in the West,' cross-listed as College Writing 50AC and 150AC Instructor: Pat Steenland Semester: Spring 2015 - Present In College Writing (CW) 50/150AC, students learn of a history that is absent from the popular narrative of California 'water wars,' — the Paiute Native Americans who for hundreds of years developed a sophisticated system of irrigation canals that made the valley bloom. Their history was erased from the site's history by people who waged economic and land wars to control water rights. A primary goal in this class is to...