Teaching in Troubled Times

Background image: Facilitator and Two Workshop Panelists listen intently to another panelist

About the Teaching Series

The Teaching in Troubled Times series began in 2017 as a series of timely dialogues elevating some of the most pressing social and political questions that enter our lives and our classrooms. The series has fermented vibrant discussion and delivered ‘on-the-ground’ tools to support our students’ complex lives.  The series is co-hosted by the American Cultures Center, Academic Innovation Studio, Center for Teaching and Learning, and Division of Equity & Inclusion.

The Teaching in Troubled Times workshops will continue to build an arc of learning for the campus, bringing together experts from a cross-section of interests. The Teaching in Troubled Times workshop series will cumulatively present a unique opportunity to delve into the complications and opportunities our knowledge of student life at Berkeley brings. In this series of workshops, we will form a learning community that together will consider the meaning of inclusivity, acceptance, and belonging on and off our campus.

Previous Events

We've archived our past events with teaching tools, materials, and recommendations for instructors.  To access these resources, please visit the event pages. 

Beyond Accommodations: Changing the Disability Frame
Squeezed on All Sides: Economic Pressures Facing Berkeley Students
Between Censure & Good Sense: Trigger Warnings & Safe Space in the Classroom
More Than Words: In Conversation with the Language Of Racial and Social Justice-Making
What to Do If ICE Comes to Campus: Rights, Recommendations, and Resources
Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired: Dealing with Toxic Stresses on Campus and in our Classrooms
Difficult Knowledge, Trauma Informed Pedagogy and Safe-ish Spaces
Addressing Food Insecurity and Basic Needs Among UC Students: What Can Berkeley Do?
How to Have Political Conversations in the Classroom?
Understanding UC Berkeley Students and their Experiences
Assignment Design for Social Justice Education
Inviting Students to Bring Themselves to Class: Connecting Learning and Lived Experiences