Over the course of the CDF Program, instructors implemented creative assignments in a variety of courses ranging from theatre to geography to environmental science, policy, and management. Starting in the fall 2019 semester, students (N = 152) completed a comprehensive survey after finishing their creative projects that asked them to rate their agreement with nine fixed response survey questions that covered a range of conceptual outcomes for the CDF Program.
Overall Student Outcomes
The majority of students agreed that the creative projects allowed them to engage in all of the desired outcomes for the CDF program. Students could easily see connections between the skills and knowledge they develop through their creative projects and future work. The majority of students also agreed that their creative projects allowed them to examine their biases and assumptions, utilize their prior knowledge or personal experiences, and aligned with their own interests and motivations. Students also reported that the creative projects informed their understanding of the course content or theories and a smaller percentage (78%) said that the course content informed the development of their projects. Additionally, nearly 80% of students reported that they thought their creative project would have an impact beyond the course.