Course Development

Creative Web-based Applications


Are you interested in software that can supplement or substitute those found in the Adobe Creative Cloud suite? If so, please review our curated list of creative web-based tools that will allow you and your students to develop audio, graphic, photo, and film projects.

Ronald T. Takaki Teaching Award


Professor Ronald T. Takaki, ‘didn’t just teach about race and ethnicity. He helped redefine it.’ Instrumental to the field of Ethnic Studies, and central in the creation of the AC curriculum. In working with the family of the late Professor Takaki, the American Cultures Teaching Award committee assigns the 'Ronald T. Takaki Teaching Award' to an applicant of the American Cultures Teaching Award that merits special recognition....

Course & Classroom Access Guidelines

Course & Classroom Access Guidelines Please note that all courses must be accessible to students with disabilities. The Disabled Students Program is available to help resolve any challenges involving students with disabilities, including issues related to off-campus activities and wheelchair access

Collaborating for Transformative Change: Anti Racism and Community Engagement


Monday, April 5th and Tuesday, April 6th from 11:30a - 2:00p
Keynote speaker: Dr. Tania Mitchell - Tuesday, April 6th, 12noon - 1p

Race - The Power of an Illusion Website

RaceThe Power of an Illusion, one of the most widely-used documentary series ever in formal and non-formal education in the US, can now take advantage of a new companion website at

The companion website was created by the Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society, the American Cultures Center, and the Media Resource Center at the University of California, Berkeley in partnership with the series...

Advice and Support from the AC Community 


These past two weeks have seen a massive volume of advice shared within the AC community, including how to consider 'Zoom' in the specificities of the AC classroom; advice on how to continue community-based partnerships specific to ACES faculty and in general support of our community partners; testing the waters in using the 'Creative Discovery Fellows' toolkits for new storytelling and creative design projects; to the many powerful exchanges on how to build the intimacies and student agency so often at the heart of the AC classroom. We have been...

Creative Projects as Political Possibility

As we engage with the work of anti-racism and equity-based learning, what concrete examples are available and what strategies are necessary to create anti-racism and equity-based pedagogy in the classroom?

Creative Projects as Political Possibility, offered by the American Cultures Center, will present an overview of the ...

Workshop: 2019 Teaching with Wikipedia

About the Workshop

On December 9, the Wiki Education Foundation, the AC Center, and the University Library discussed the potential impacts of building Wikipedia assignments into course instruction to support and enhance teaching. As an educational tool, developing Wikipedia articles allows students to create collaborative work with a visible impact on a global audience. Whether adding new sources to existing Wikipedia pages or creating new pages on notable topics, students gain deeper insight into their course material and learn to evaluate critically the...

Workshop: 2017 Teaching Wikipedia as a Classroom Assignment


On September 6, 2017, the AC Center and Wiki Education presented a workshop on how to build Wikipedia assignments into course instruction. As an educational tool, the development of Wikipedia articles allows students to create collaborative work with a visible impact on a global audience. Whether adding new sources to existing Wikipedia pages or creating new pages on notable topics, students gain deeper insight into their course material and learn to evaluate critically the reliability of sources. With faculty and students reporting enthusiasm and high levels of...