Chicano Studies 174AC: "Chicanos, the Law and the Criminal Justice System"

Final Presentations

Students present their final projects to their peers in small groups.

Final Presentations

Students present their final projects to their peers in small groups.

Final Presentations

Students present their final projects to their peers in small groups.

Final Presentations

Students present their final projects to their peers in small groups.

Final Presentations

Students present their final projects to their peers in small groups.

About the Course Assignment

Chicano Studies 174AC: “Chicanos, the Law, and the Criminal Justice System” situates itself within an abolitionist paradigm to understand the connections between Chicano, Latino, and migrant urbanization, race, poverty, state violence, and the criminal justice system. The project for this course asked students, as groups, to select a topic or theme that they wanted to engage and to create a Spark presentation introducing the topic, as well as produce a podcast on the chosen topic or theme.

The Adobe projects were more interesting because they became more interactive when it came to designing. It allowed me to transmit a message in a more versatile way.

“Women of Color in Prison”

This Spark presentation uplifts the multifaceted experience of women of color who are system impacted. While building a narrative of the injustice that women of color face, the students also lifted the work of particular grassroots organizations that help address the needs and organize around those who are system impacted.

cartoon figure in a sleeping bag, which is rolled up to create the illusion of a snail

Radio Caracol de Berkeley Podcast

"Radio Caracol de Berkeley" is a collective out of Berkeley, California, that broadcasts a podcast “to the Left and from Below.” "Radio Caracol" features a series of podcasts created in Pablo Gonzalez’s Creative Discovery courses, Chicanx Studies 179AC and Chicanx Studies 159AC. The podcast series focuses on local, statewide, national, and international topics that included police brutality, state violence, and indigenous and afro-descendant social movements in Latin America. It also acknowledges the Zapatista indigenous social movement of Chiapas, Mexico, and its local struggles and their impacts across the globe.

Mental Health and Prison

"Mental Health and Prison" is an adobe spark project that walks through several perspectives on mental health issues through several case studies. 

Recividism and our Court System

Students Samantha Cruz, Arylene Nunez-Dominguez, Nicole Nava Rubi, and Jocelyn Barrera take a look at the faced realities behind the statistics and at the Ideologies that make up our contemporary court system in this spark presentation.

Pablo Gonzalez, PhD

Pablo Gonzalez

Lecturer, Chicanx (Ethnic) Studies

I told them, "I want you all to consider this in terms of what would be of use to community partners. What would be of use to people who do not know the issues or have an understanding of this? You're the narrator, you're the one giving us the narrative of how to think about criminal justice or immigration. So, it's important that you do a good job of that."
Pablo Gonzalez