History 124B - The United Stated from World War II to the Vietnam Era
Instructor: Gene Zubovich
Semester: Spring 2016
In spring 2016, Professor Gene Zubovich taught the ACES course, History 124B, 'The United States from World War II to the Vietnam Era,' which explores the political, cultural, and societal shift that the United States experienced after World War II. Apart from the history covered within this specific timeline, students also analyzed the discourse of discrimination and prejudice that persisted after the abolishment of slavery.
Students in Professor Zubovich's class conducted research and created a website containing videos and information to educate others about one of the manifestations of social inequalities: discriminatory housing practices in the 20th century. They analyzed these housing practices in terms of redlining, restrictive covenants, and racial steering and evaluated the continual impact of these housing practices on today's society and communities.
To learn more about the housing discrimination in the twentieth century student projects from spring 2016, click on the images below.