Asian American Studies 132AC - 'Islamophobia and Constructing Otherness'
Instructor: Hatem Bazian
Semester: Spring 2015 - Spring 2018
Dr. Hatem Bazian's Asian American Studies 132AC ACES Course, 'Islamophobia and Constructing Otherness, ' was designed to help students understand and combat institutionalized racism, focusing on Islamophobia, its origins and progression, and the principle of "otherness": accepting and recognizing differences in others.
As part of the engaged scholarship component, students in this ACES course create a series of websites to inform the online community beyond the classroom of Islamophobia and institutionalized racism. Students create websites cover ing a range of topics, beginning with the origin of the term "Islamophobia" to its progression and expansion in the media, Hollywood, airports, and the law.
The goal of this course and of these websites is to bring greater online awareness about Islamophobia in the United States and combat Islamophobia and institutionalized racism. To learn more about Islamophobia and to join the fight against institutionalized racism, please click on the links below.