
Anthropology 2AC - 'Introduction to Archaeology'

Instructor: Jun Sunseri
Semester: Fall 2014 - Spring 2016

In Professor Jun Sunseri's ACES Course, Anthropology 2AC, 'Introduction to Archaeology,' students learn about the methods, goals, and theoretical concepts of archaeology by closely examining the impact of archaeology on and the history of the construction of various communities: the Native Americans, Latin Americans, and Euro-Americans.  This course also explores professional and ethical problems affecting the practice of archaeology and the conservation, protection, and control of our nation's cultural resources.

As part of the community engagement component of this course, Professor Sunseri partners with a community organization in New Mexico, the Pueblo de Abiquiu Library and Cultural Center, to teach students about the importance of historic structures in Abiquiu by closely examining narratives of excavations. After learning about the historical context of these sites, students work with the center on excavations at the Pueblo de Abiquiu Library and Cultural Center. Students learn how to use archaeological tools to dig up a well and other structures, which they locate with the help of Professor Sunseri and the guidance of elders at the center. More information about the project can be found on the Pueblo de Abiquiu Library & Cultural Center website

In addition, the ACES Program provided funding for the center to develop video clips for the Berkeley-Abiquiu Collaborative Archaeology (BACA) Project. The clips show the excavation of the well while Professor Sunseri describes and analyzes their findings to build the narratives and understand history of the historical structures. Please click on the videos below for examples of students' work at the Abiquiu community partner site. 

Abiquiu Archaeology Episode 1

Abiquiu Archaeology Episode 2

Abiquiu Archaeology Episode 3

Abiquiu Archaeology Episode 4

Abiquiu Archaeology Episode 5