Nutritional Sciences W104AC - 'Food, Culture, and the Environment'
Instructor: Claire Larkins
Semester: Summer 2024
This is Claire Larkins' third time participating in the ACES program through NSTW104. The course resulted in amazing project deliverables including a Global Cuisine Cookbook (working with a dietitian-led organization, the Culinary Nutrition Collaborative), a research paper on trans fats in Mexico that may be published (working with Salud Justa, a public health program within the Mexican Government), and "donut kid" interviews (working with Pink Box Stories, a California-based organization focused on immigrant-run donut shops). Many of the students had personal connections to the project missions. Here are a few quotes from students:
- “The global cuisine cookbook project was not just a collaboration but a unique learning
- opportunity that significantly enriched my culinary nutrition knowledge.”
- “This food project uniquely aligned with my eclectic passions for donuts, immigrant
- stories, and entrepreneurship. The journey has been both fulfilling and enlightening,
- offering deep insights into the Cambodian community and their role in California's donut
- shop industry.”
- “It was a huge honor to be a part of this project, and I found it to be a very valuable and
- meaningful experience.”
- “The ACES project was a highlight of my academic experience.”